In my search for the best free writing folder for my students I came across this one.  It is simple and straight forward which is exactly what I was looking for. It includes all of the following:

  • word lists and a visual reminder for each word such as colors, days of the week, months of the year, number words and family words.
  • a box of “no excuse words” for early writers
  • letter formation guide, and
  • a ‘How Do I Spell?’ word box. This can be used when you want to simply spell a word for a student. You write it in the box with dry erase, the student writes it on their paper and then they simply wipe it off.
  • Sight Word Wall first two hundred words from the Fry’s Sight Word List

She suggests placing all of these resources in page protectors to keep in the student folders.  

I also love the Heart Map idea she includes.  Students use this to keep up with writing ideas through the year.  This is a great way to help students generate new ideas for their writing assignments.

When I saw this, I knew immediately this needed to be added to my writing folders.  It is a small personal copy of the writing process on which students move a paper clip to show where they are in the process. When conferencing with students about their writing, it is good for the student as well as you to have a visual of where they are in the writing process.  My plan is to glue this to the back of their writing folders to keep it easily accessible for the student. 

Learning at the Primary Pond has many great blog post on writing in the K-2 classroom. The blog I have linked here is all about writing folders and does include some free resources as well that you can receive if you sign up for her email list.  One thing she suggest is putting a red sticker on the side of the folder where students keep work that is in progress and a green sticker on the side for finished pieces. Love this idea and definitely plan to use this idea.  Check out her other blog post to see other suggestions for using writing folders. 

One More Writing Folder Idea

One last resource I would like to share is an idea from Inspired Elementary.  This is a more involved writing folder so even though I do not plan to use it, I know some of you might like this.   This one involves 6 six two-pocket folders. Each pocket functions as a part of the writing process, with a bonus spot for extra pieces of writing.  Check out the blog post linked above to learn more about this idea. If you interested in seeing the entire writing resource from Inspired Elementary then be sure and click the link below. 

I hope you have found something you can use in your classroom as you think about and prepare to use writing folders in your classroom.  Next up I will share what I have learned about creating writing offices for your classroom so be sure and check back soon for this next post. Until then…